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New Communication Officer

New Communication Officer

Barrie Burns4 Jan 2022 - 14:38
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Thanks to Steve McCormick

Hi Everyone
As you may or may not know I am taking over from Steve McCormick as UCC's communication officer. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Steve for all the work he has done in the role over the last few years. I don't think for one minute I will be able to emulate the great job he has done but I will try to keep you all informed of things as best I can.
Steve has been a great help to me in getting me started in the role.

With this in mind If there is anyone who wishes to contribute or have items posted on the club website please feel free to contact me via phone or text message on 07786925364 or via email to: and I would be happy to post it for you.

Good luck to all the teams in the coming season and shall look forward to seeing you all in the summer months to come.

Further reading